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Božićna priča 2011

“Božićna priča - najljepša božićna ulica” ove godine počinje u subotu, 03. prosinca 2011., u 18 sati, svečanim paljenjem svjetlećih ukrasa i prigodnim programom na zagrebačkom Zrinjevcu.

Christmas Story

Christmas story

The Komedija Theatre decorated for the “Christmas Story” project in 2010 in collaboration with Coca-Cola

The “Christmas Story” project is a competition amongst Croatian and international brands for the most imaginative and most captivating Holliday Season decoration of streets, squares and tourist attractions of the city of Zagreb. Selected locations in the city will be lit & decorated in an innovative, for this occasion specially designed, creative and unique way, which will provide an unforgettable experience for residents and tourists. These decorations will also reduce the impact on the city budget for festive decorations.

The “Christmas Story” project will contribute to an atmosphere of optimism, particularly in the holiday season and it will inspire people to foster repressed and forgotten family values, preserve tradition, spend time with friends and neighbors or simply stroll around and enjoy the experience of new, and old but rediscovered, tourist sights and attractions. The Croatian National Tourist Board has recognized the value of the project and has declared it one of the six projects which are of a lot of interest for the development of the destination’s image. The “Christmas Story” has become an integral part of the Advent (Holliday Season) in Zagreb project by the Zagreb Tourist Board.

The EX-ALTO agency manages the destination development project with the support of the City of Zagreb, the Croatian National Tourist Board and the Zagreb Tourist Board. EX-ALTO successfully carried out a pilot project in 2009 in collaboration with the National Comedy Theatre, numerous web sites and printed issues, Coca-Cola Company and Croatian Music Institute. It was continued in 2010 when the existing partners were joined by Hoteli Baška, the Zagreb Tourist Board and the City of Vukovar which constitutes the charity part of the project, spreading the Holliday Season spirit, atmosphere and optimism to communities that require that positive social environment most.

EX-ALTO together with the City of Zagreb determined the decoration parameters within which the business enterprises will partake in the competition for the most beautiful Christmas street, squares or other city attractions. The main mission of this project is not corporate social engagement on the locations, but creating an unforgettable atmosphere and to decorate the city of Zagreb as a unique Holliday Season tourist destination however, it allows the sponsors to promote their public image in a socially responsible way in a uniquely positive & optimistic atmosphere.